January 9, 2019

Wizcrafts' Iptables Blocklists Are Gone

January 9, 2019

After years of maintaining iptables blocklists for no profit, I have decided to terminate them as of January 9, 2019. I am not running a charity organization, nor do I have a staff. This is a one man show paid out of my own pocket.

Originally, I only published a few .htaccess format blocklists which I was using to protect my own website. It was something I did in my spare time. I developed the iptables format as a favor to a few webmasters who contacted me about converting .htaccess format into one CIDR per line Linux firewall format. However, the few small donations I have received over the years don't make a dent in the cost of my web hosting, which only goes up. Additionally, due to the time involved in researching offending IP addresses and their CIDRs, as 2018 progressed, my free time for reading raw access logs and spam email headers to identify foreign IPs became shorter. Consequently, I have not been updating my blocklists as often as in the past.

Please turn off your cron jobs targeting wizcrafts.net

For the last few years my server account has been overrun by automated file downloader tools like WGET, CSF, CURL and others, operating as "Cron jobs," that do nothing but scrape the iptables blocklist files, with the thousands of hits every day. In fact, these requests now make up the bulk of all traffic to wizcrafts.net, with the same IP addresses sending requests for the same files - dozens to hundreds of times per day. Scraper tools do not see my ads, nor make donations. They are like Replicators and I have now banished them from my website. If you have been accessing wizcrafts.net via one of these downloader tools, please turn off the cron job and stop sending your bots here. There is nothing for you here anymore. No soup for you!

Going forward, I will only provide iptables blocklists on a one to one paid basis. Use my Webmaster contact form to discuss private access to my iptables blocklists.

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About the author
Wiz FeinbergWiz's Blog is written by Bob "Wiz" Feinberg, an experienced freelance computer consultant, troubleshooter and webmaster. Wiz's specialty is in computer and website security. Wizcrafts Computer Services was established in 1996.

I produce this blog and website at my own expense. If you find this information valuable please consider making a donation via PayPal.

Follow @Wizcrafts on Twitter, where I post short updates on security issues, spam trends and things that just eat at my craw.

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