You are here: Advertising Quote Requests

Advertising Quote Request Form

Use this form to request a quote for advertising space on Wizcrafts Computer Services' website. Advertisements can be text, image, or a mixture of both. You can choose which page or pages you wish to advertise your product or service on, and how long your ads are to run.

We will review you request and respond as soon as possible with a quote, based on your selected options.

Please note that we do not accept any advertising for pornographic websites, spyware purveyors or fake security scan services, or any site promoting or engaging in hatred, terrorism, hacking, spamming, scams of any kind, pirated software, unlawful distribution or sharing of copyrighted material, phishing activities, the distribution of email addresses, or any activities that are illegal in our jurisdiction.

Link Exchanges Discontinued

If you arrived here seeking a link exchange please be advised that we no longer engage in link exchanges. Read why.

After a lenghtly analysis we have ascertained that link exchanges, whether two or three ways, have not proven to be advantagous to Wizcrafts Computer Services, either in the form of human visitors (as in customers) or search engine rankings. In fact, they are sometimes harmful to our normally good rankings with major search providers. Since link exchanges provide us with no material value we stopped approving them several years ago.

We, however, will gladly provide advertising space on, for a reasonable monthly fee. If you are interested in placing paid advertising on our website please submit the details in the form on this page. Close this section.

Please fill in all fields and provide us with as much information as possible about the website you wish to advertise and the type of ads you wish to run on our website.

Click here to read our anti-spam policy.

Your Advertisement Details

Fields marked with * are required

Your Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Location of website: (legal mailing address)
Your Website: *
How did you find us?
Are you an advertising agent or the website owner?
Select one: Agent   Owner  

Tell us the URL(s) you want us to advertise on Wizcrafts and whether you want text or banner ads (include banner dimensions), and how long you want the ads to remain active. We will reply to you with a quote.

Please incude the URLs of our pages where you want your ad to appear.

Details of the ad you would like to place on our website. *
How long do you want your ad to run?

Note: All input is filtered and IP addresses are logged. Submitting spam links will get you banned.

You agree that your use of this form is for legitimate advertising requests only and that you are in a legal position to arrange and pay for advertising of the website you have listed. If you provide an invalid contact email address your request will be deleted. We reserve the right to deny any application that is deemed inappropriate or incompatible with the theme of our website.

Click here to read our anti-spam policy

Thank you for your advertising request. We will review the details you submit and contact you with with a quote in a timely manner.